Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Playball with my buddy!!

today damn 7 tired...

jus finish playball with my buddy...
just now we play lan ye at bsktball court...
they all play 1on1 with me, if the who lose the match..
must pumping 30times..haha!!
I also haven't 1 match ler....
Kenneth and Leng zai wai, do the pumping 90times haha....sohai!!!
they all keep feed ler...OM godness!!!
they all play with me is no rasa to me de ler...
today damn angry lar, my Garnette shoes is the second time to wear out ler, 
ass lar RM500++ they all step on my shoes..T_T...FUCK UP LAR!!
My heart break lar...that's my baby lar...
haha..dun lut them I still got 7 pairs of sport shoes..blow me lar dude...
Kenneth today where he T-MAC 4 come out ler...
wah damn nice lar...that shoes rm659 limited edition...