Monday, May 18, 2009

Playball with CB friends

Today went out playball with Kenneth and my CB friends...haha!!

WTF!!! I go out at 5pm, the weather damn hot lor..
Kenneth really fucker lar, he called me go myself dulu wor, becoz 
he want go ta bao MCD makan...BULL HEADED!!!!&*%$@#$%&
After the Kenneth CB kia finished he MCD then we play 3on3....
Haiz they are really noob lar, just give and AH MUN makan them..wakak!!!
we only play the 1game 7balls also can make us breathlessly ler....OMG!!!
After that we all go rest for awhile and keng gai.....
Then almost pukul 8pm, we took our bag and balik rumah...
Playball really so song de lor, ntg can shuang than playballl....
Got de...TFK lor...but TFK better play less because not good for our Healthy...