Damn quite holidays...
nothing to do...
wake up 2pm...
after my lunch...watch movie...playing games..
my life comes no meaning...
my mum shouting me go find something to do...
no fuck...no moody do such thing...
sleep until 5pm...
5pm playball time go out happy...yuhuur...
waiting for start new sem....
my holidays have 1 month damn long...
everyday sit in the sofa be a stare blankly....
because I'm so bored....T_T
hey my holiday just start 1 week...
how was the 2-3 weeks coming soon...
what can I do?? don't know lar...
maybe go out makan angin gua..wakaka
everyday go out buy clothes??ham 7 lar..
where got so much money o00??
I'm not rich....
finally, I decide stay at home sleep...no need expense..no cost..save time..
this is a suitable choose....
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