Yerterday me and Marcus
went to midvalley bought clothes...
we are spent of 2hours in time to shop..
fuck midvalley cant gives us satisfy..
o00 no, midvalley is frequent of scarcities
of raw material to us...haiz...
no choice, we are decided went to
pavilion next station bought our
raw material...
but pavilion it's can satisfy us...
cox those raw material in pavilion that is our
consumer demand..
the supply of pavilion increases, the demand of consumer
will increases..that's why me and Marcus
last decision will going there..
both of us are spending RM800++
bought our clothes..
we are only choosen for branded..
just only Pavilion is a right choice to us...
according to me, Midvalley lesses raw materials
the consumer demand will drow it...
therefore it will affeted by consumer behavior..
consumer will lesses and lesses spending there..
that's why no supply, no demand..
therefore, Midvalley is cant satisfied to us...
in the marketing, supplyer targeted in the market is very important
cox there need not have wrong mistake...
and need to targeted and segmentation in the right way...
then it will satisfied of consumer..
but Pavilion is the good targeted and segmentation in the good way..
there are aiming for consumer demand and supply thier goods..
that's why Pavilion how expensive of the goods,
consumer also will going there spending their money...
after yesterday..I really spent lots money..
my money gone RM400++
but doesn't matter..
I very happy wor...
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