Nick and Kay

Hon kitz and Kay

Yesterday hang out with my dearly frineds went to sing k....
Kay and honkit...I have so long time dint meet Kay go sing k together..
sing k with this 2 fellows arh really so funny lar...haha!!!
They like to play joke and talk cock...haha!!
I sing until my throat no voice already...
May be sing k can released my stress and all my trouble...
Yeah finally I had finished it my organisation behavior...
I try to write it out all the the end I had wrote 3000words...
This few days I just practise my OB, and revise all the pass year question...
Now I still left out 2 subjects need to prepare, Internation Law and MS...
Tommorow I will start to prepare and study hard hard hard...
I will try to make it understand and find some reference book to get more informations...
Slogan: I won't leave it out, until I success at the end....
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